Maltese Pushups and Pseudo Planche Push-ups

Maltese Pushups

VIDEO in English here:  1305317738m


In this post we’ll see 2 types of advanced Push-ups, which focus con anterior delts.


Maltese Push-ups

This is a harder version of the Pseudo Planche Push-ups as they require more of a shoulder horizontal adduction (transverse flexion) – in which anterior deltoid is weaker, compared to a pure shoulder flexion).
Place your hands at a 30-45º at the armpit.

Keep the forward lean at all times – the more you lean forward, the more difficult they become.
Lock your elbows at the top of push-up and protract the scapula as much es you can.
Body in a straight line. don’t raise your butt or let the hips sag down

For a Complete Calisthenic Routine, check my book with over 120 exercises, including Planche, Front lever, V-sit, Dragon Flag or Pistol squat progressions! Check HERE for more!


Pseudo Planche Push-ups

Keep the forward lean at all times – the more you lean forward, the more difficult they become.

Lock your elbows at the top of push-up  and protract the scapula as much es you can.
Body in a straight line. Don’t raise your butt or let the hips sag down.


As for muscles worked, these two Maltese Pushups push-up variatons focus on anterior deltoid.

Pectoralis major and triceps are also worked, and if you do it with scapula fully protracted (like in this image) you’ll engage the serratus anterior muscle and pectoralis minor.

For more, please check the video 🙂 

Maltese Pushups

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