Lateral Squat – Proper form & Muscles worked

Lateral Squat – Proper form

Lateral Squat

Video of Lateral Squat here:  1305317738m 

This is a great exercise for intermediate level athletes, This type of squat mainly strengthens your quads and glutes. It requires some flexibility but it will work your glutes more as it requires greater range of motion at the hips and knee (compared to half squats).


1. Deep Lateral Squatsent cosaca
Stand with your feet wide apart and make sure your knees don’t go past your toes (it’s safer for the patellar ligament). Go as low as you can, by bringing the hips back and down.
Keep your torso upright and do Not lean forward.
Perform the exercises in a slow and controlled manner.


2. Half Lateral Squat

Stand with your feet wide apart and make sure your knees don’t go past your toes.
Go down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Keep your torso upright and do Not lean forward.
Perform the exercises in a slow and controlled manner.
A way to focus more on your quadriceps is by holding for a second at the bottom.
This exercise helps stretching the adductors and fibularis longus.



Hip extensors: gluteus maximus and hamstrings, which straigthen the hip joint by drawing the pelvis backward

Knee extensors: quadriceps femoris muscle, which straigthens the knee

Shoulder flexors: delts will keep our arms raised (anterior deltoid mainly, assisted by coracobrachialis and pectoralis major)


For a Complete Calisthenic Routine, check my book with over 120 exercises, including Planche, Front lever, V-sit, Dragon Flag or Pistol squat progressions! Click HERE for more!


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