Cheap homemade parallettes In this article we will see a very inexpensive and simple way of making our homemade parallettes. Using a drill, you’ll only need about 20 minutes
7 Dips Mistakes . . VÍDEO here: . INTRODUCTION: Dips are one of the best exercises for building strong pecs, shoulders and triceps. There are several mistakes people make
TRX Push ups vs Regular Push ups . INTRODUCTION If have a place to hang them, you could buy some gymnastic rings or a suspension training equipment (HERE‘s
Ring Programs – Train like a gymnast! COMPLETE RING WORKOUT – Level 1 · Bored of lifting weights and not getting results? · You’ve bought your rings and
Explosive Pullup Types Video here: Explosive Pullup Types In this post we’ll see some of the best explosive Pull-up types: . 1. Width grip switch-ups This exercise combines
Benefits of Gymnastic Ring Training In this post we’ll see 8 benefits of ring training: 1. Endless variety Since the rings are not fixed, arms can move in