False grip Ring Pullup Progression
False grip Ring Pullup Progression

VIDEO in English here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGw7YEOUkPY
The exercises in the video are meant to build up a strong false grip, which mainly works the wrist flexor muscles (this group of muscles is located in the forearm). This type of pull-ups are one of the key to get the Ring Muscle-up.
The false grip is done by placing part of your hand and wrist on the ring, while grabbing the ring firmly with your fingers so you don’t lose the false grip.
At first, holding a false grip will be very difficult because the wrist flexors and finger flexors are small muscles, but with some practice you’ll get used to it.
Exercises with a false grip are harder as our wrist flexors are usually the weak link – these muscles are not used to bear most of the weight of our body, plus the muscles responsible for the grip (finger flexors) are weaker with wrist flexion – because of passive insufficiency of the finger extensor apparatus and because of the significant shortening of the finger flexors (active insufficiency) while flexing the wrist – as when holding a false grip.
With wrist flexion, the flexor digitorum superficialis is recruited to assist the flexor digitorum profundus – which is weaker with progressive flexion of the wrist.
1. Bent-arm false grip hang: The first step is practicing the false grip with bent arms, as it’s quite easier this way. Engage your abs to tilt your pelvis posteriorly or keep your body in an L shape.
Keep your scapula depressed (pull the rings firmly until your torso goes upward)
2. Straight-arm false grip hang: Once you can hold the false grip with bent-arms, it’s time to do it with elbows straight.
3. False grip Rows
4. False grip Pull-ups
False grip Ring Pullup Progression
For a Complete Ring Workout, check out my program consisting of 110 pages with over 60 exercises! Read HERE for more info.

· 130 pages with over 70 exercises
· 25 Pulling exercise, 15 Pushing exercises
· 13 Bodyweight leg exercises (including Pistol Squat progressions)
· 13 Fundamental Stretching exercises
· Videos and pics of each exercise
· 3 Types of workout routines focused on Strength
· Warm-up and Stretching exercises
· Detailed info on Muscles worked
· Proper form section in each exercise, showing the optimal position to avoid injuries
And much more! Read HERE for more info.