V-sit Tutorial – Progressions and Muscles worked
|V-sit Tutorial
V-sit Tutorial
For a Complete Calisthenic Routine, check my book with over 120 exercises, including Planche, Front lever, V-sit, Dragon Flag or Pistol squat progressions! Check HERE for more!
STEP 1: Half straddle V-sit
With legs spread apart and knees bent lift your body off the ground and focus on pulling your legs up towards your torso and pushing your hips forward untill they are in front of your hands.
The wider you open your legs the easier it will be, but this requires flexible adductors and strong hip abductors.
Keep your palms flat on the ground in every progressions to strengthen the shoulder depressors.
STEP 2: Tuck V-sit
Now keep your knees together and your legs close to your chest.
Keep your elbows LOCKED and point your toes. Push your hips forward until they are in front of your hands. Your head will be in a neutral position in every progression.
Practice until you’re able to hold this for 5 sets of 10 seconds before moving on.
STEP 3: Straddle V-sit
With legs spread apart, push your hips forward and try to pull your legs towards your torso.
Focus on keeping your elbows and knees LOCKED.
Leg cramps are quite normal at this stage as the rectus femoris has to exert force while it’s shortened (as it straigthens the knee and at the same time it flexes the hip), plus the hip flexors are working almost at their end of range of motion.
These cramps will go away with some practice.
STEP 4: V-sit
Keep your elbows and knees LOCKED.
Pull your legs as close as you can towards your face, you need at least 45º at the hip.
Keep palms flat and point your toes.
This exercise requires:
Shoulder depression (latissimus dorsi, lower trapezius, pectoralis minor, subclavius)
Shoulder extension (latissimus dorsi, teres major posterior deltoid, long head of the triceps)
Elbow extension (triceps and anconeus)
Lumbar spine flexion (abs)
Hip flexion (iliopsoas, rectus femoris..)
Knee extension (quadriceps)
Ankle plantar flexion (gastrocnemius and soleus)