Cheap homemade parallettes – Easy construction!

Cheap homemade parallettes

In this article we will see a very inexpensive and simple way of making our homemade parallettes. Using a drill, you’ll only need about 20 minutes to make them.



We will use 2 cylindrical metal bars; Its diameter will be according to the size of your hands, mine are 1.3cm. I cut them from a broken chair, but you can buy them in workshops that work with metal, in hardware stores or in DIY stores.


For the base we will use 4 blocks of wood; I used a wooden pallet that was broken – you can find them in carpentry for example – they usually throw them away once they are broken.

Wooden pallet (image bellow)


The last thing we need is 8 screws. You can use 1 self-drilling screw for metal to make the holes and then use the wood screws (photo below).


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Cheap homemade parallettes


With the help of a drill and a metal drill bit, we will drill a hole through the bar on both sides and also mark where the screw will go (see photos below).

Cheap homemade parallettes

Here you can see the marks that I made with the drill, where later the screws will go.


The next thing is to insert the screw; as I mentioned above, you can first insert a self-drilling screw for metal (to make the groove in the bar), and then use a wood to join the bar and wood. The drill is not indispensible; it can be done manually with a screwdriver, although it would take longer.



And here are our homemade parallettes ready to use!


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