Rings vs TRX – Pros and Cons

Rings vs TRX


Rings or TRX, not sure which one to buy? Then check out this article!


After training with both TRX and rings, here are some pros and cons of each:

Rings vs TRX




  • Rings are more versatile; you can do far more exercises on rings than on TRX
  • The strength that comes from ring training is far more impressive than anything you’ve seen on TRX (you can get quite strong using TRX, but there’s no comparison). Rings will promote advanced work.
  • You need rings for Muscle-ups, Dips and other bodyweight holds
  • You don’t need parallel bars anymore since getting rings, as they are just a more difficult version of the same
  • You can move rings lower or higher independently, or move them further or closer to each other to increase or decrease the difficulty of exercises
  • Rings are of higher calibre, they are used in the biggest sporting event in the world: The Olympics
  • You can hang your ring over Pull-up bars, branches, etc.
  • Rings are cheaper
  • Rings are considered more manly (in case anyone cares about that 😀 )



  • Rings are more unstable; they require higher skill level to start with
  • Need to be mounted high to do many pulling exercises like Pull/Chin-ups (you can flex your hips and knees instead)
  • Rings put more stress on hands, especially the ones made of plastic
  • Two anchor points means a bit more hassle setting them up and adjusting


Rings vs TRX



  • TRX can be as a stepping stone for rings, for those who aren’t accustomed to the instability of rings. TRX will promote a lot of easier variations, so if you are a raw beginner you can start with the TRX
  • Generally, TRX is of use for the feet and hands, rings are generally for hands. With the foot straps it’s easier to do leg work (you can also use the rings, but it’s less comfortable)
  • The rolling handles are better for Bicep curls or Tricep (elbow) extensions; they allow work if you have a weaker grip
  • TRX can be hanged from a door, you can use them in a hotel room in case you’re travelling; can hang on a much lower anchor point



  • Can’t do anything above the handles, like Dips, Muscle-ups, L-sit, Handstands, etc.
  • TRX anchors from one point, so the straps get in the way in most pressing exercises, even as basic as regular Push-ups
  • No one goes from using rings to use TRX,  but those who train with TRX they will likely switch to rings sooner or later
  • TRX is more expensive, TRX is a (not so) cheap imitation of rings

Rings vs TRX

If you ask me, I’d recommend rings every time, but if you’re just starting to exercise, you can use TRX and then progress to the rings.

And if you decided to get Rings and you’re not sure how to start, you can get my Complete Ring Workout, consisting of130 pages with over 60 exercises!  Read HERE for more info.

· 130 pages with over 60 exercises

· 25 Pulling exercise, 15 Pushing exercises

· 13 Bodyweight leg exercises (including Pistol Squat progressions)

· 13 Fundamental Stretching exercises

· Videos and pics of each exercise
· 3 Types of workout routines focused on Strength
· Warm-up and Stretching exercises
· Detailed info on Muscles worked
· Proper form section in each exercise, showing the optimal position to avoid injuries

And much more! Read HERE for more info.


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